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rpg finis par grikarfyn avatar
collection fiche

show_hide STATISTIQUES [ 10 jeux finis ]
n64 1[10.0%] play 8[80.0%] snes 1[10.0%]
incrpg 1[10.0%] adv 1[10.0%] crpg 2[20.0%] drpg 2[20.0%] Rogue 1[10.0%] srpg 1[10.0%]
trpg 2[20.0%]

Trier par: Nom flechebas | Support | Genre | Développeur | Note
1999 rem_fil
Bahamut Lagoon Bahamut Lagoon snes 1999 0h 1 no
Brigandine Brigandine play 1999 35h 1 no
Chocobo's Dungeon 2 Chocobo's Dungeon 2 play 1999 25h 1 no
Final Fantasy VIII Final Fantasy VIII play 1999 70h/210h 3 no
Front Mission 3 Front Mission 3 play 1999 45h 1 no
Kagero: Deception 2 Kagero: Deception 2 play 1999 6h/18h 3 no
Kowloon's Gate Kowloon's Gate play 1999 25h 1 no
Racing Lagoon Racing Lagoon play 1999 55h 1 no
Suikoden II Suikoden II play 1999 70h 1 no
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time n64 1999 0h 1 no

Trier par: Nom flechebas | Support | Genre | Développeur | Note
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